Three Nails

eBook - Adventures of Moustache and Macintosh

Erschienen am 04.01.2020, Auflage: 1/2020
13,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781645847304
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 124 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


As Princess Yahaloma slept, I made my way through the wall of butterflies that surrounded us and out into the night. I noticed the heaviness of the air outside of the butterflies. It was hard to breathe as the air was thick and had an odd smell to it. My feet seemed to slip a little as I walked because of the mist that covered the ground. Feeling very uncomfortable, I picked up a large stick for protection. I moved through the tall grass, noticing the direction we must follow in the morning. Nothing moved out here. There was no moon, no wind, no sound, no nothing. It was very dark, only light came from the stars above. I stood still, watched, and listened. Suddenly, I saw a dim flicker of light about fifty feet from where I stood. Turning and looking closer I saw another dim flicker of light. I moved carefully, taking a few steps at a time forward, and my eyes began to sharpen with a clear night vision. Looking around, I saw there were ugly brown butterflies, some as tall as I. They danced as if they had legs like a man. Raising their antennas and rubbing them together made a terrible sound in the night. In the middle of the ugly large butterflies stood a very tall man. Wait, it was the man I saw walking with Princess Yahaloma! It was him! Why was he dressed so oddly? His black clothes had large sharp pointed spears all over themso sharp that to even come close to them, you would be severely cut without even touching them. I saw fire coming up from under his feet that didn't even faze him. His arms outstretched, shaking many shiny necklaces then spewing vicious words against them, sometimes even screaming and cursing at the necklaces then laughing loudly. He threw his head backward, shrieking, and then dropped those beautiful necklaces into the fire. I crouched down in the tall grass. I didn't want anyone to see me. Who and what was this? Feeling scared, I decided to head back to Princess Yahaloma. I should have never left her. What was I thinking?

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